#4: Here’s All You Need To Know About Building Muscle

Getting stronger is no easy feat. It takes hard work, sacrifice and of course, my 6-6-6 principle.

There are plenty of reasons why packing on muscle can be good for you. Aside from the aesthetic appeal, you can enjoy lots of health benefits, like living longer and better. But if not for that, the aesthetic appeal will also suffice.

The siege is fought on three fronts. One from nutrition, one from exercise, and one from your mindset, simultaneously.

Sounds complicated? Fret not. I’m about to break it down for you with six principles per ‘front’. Gains-city, here we come.


1: Quantity

A controlled surplus of 10 – 15 % of your normal daily calorie requirement.

Forget packing on muscle if you don’t give your body the building blocks it needs to do so. Like money, muscle doesn’t come from thin air. It is a fundamental law of energy.

You can easily find out how many calories you need in a day by way of a mobile app (such as MyFitnessPal or CarbManager).

Once you do that, add a little more calories and increase little by little if you don’t see any results after a month.

2: Quality

Natural whole foods and bucket-loads of plants.

Just because you get to eat more, it doesn’t mean you should guzzle down all the fast foods.

Fat? Carbs? It doesn’t matter. So long as your protein is in check, you can bring in the rest of your calories from either.

A protein intake of 1.6 – 1.8 g per kg of your body weight is usually ample, in the context of muscle building.

Contrary to what many people think, there is no magical fat-to-carb ratio that is required for muscle building. So long as the food comes from natural whole foods, you’re pretty much good to go.

Avoid alcohol. Avoid junk food.

3: Protein

1.6 – 1.8 g of protein per kg of your body weight, every day.

Protein is measured by its ‘bioavailability’, that is the body’s ability to absorb and use it.

Whole-food sources of protein can meet baseline human needs, for health as well as muscle-building. But by sticking to the most bioavailable sources of protein, you’ll pretty much guarantee that the body receives whatever it needs to grow.

Foods of various protein bioavailability can be found by clicking here.

4: Bodyfat

Maintain a body fat percentage of 12 – 15 %.

This range was found to be the best in the promotion of muscle-building. Ensure you are not going over, though. If you are, it means you are gaining more fat, and we don’t want that.

That is why I would focus on food quality. I mean, it’s hard to overeat on broccoli and asparagus… right?

5: Post-workout

Make use of the 2-hour window after your workout.

Sugar is stored in your muscles. Exercise ‘burns’ that sugar.

In the 2-hour window following a serious training session, the body becomes very efficient in its ability to find a nice home for that sugar, in the muscle.

This process, on repeat, promotes muscle growth.

6: Avoid Alcohol And Junk Food

Processed foods will increase inflammation and impact your health.

Consuming alcohol at 0.5 g/kg of body weight leads to decreases in hormones that promote muscle building (like testosterone) and increases in hormones that break down muscle (cortisol). But my advice is - lose it altogether. I cannot find a single health-related advantage related to alcohol consumption.

And on junk food – lose it too. It will play a role in increasing your body fat. We want muscle. Not fat.


1: Frequency

2 - 4 sessions (per muscle group) per week.

This can vary from one person to another. But if a baseline of two sessions per week isn’t cutting it, then push it to three. What matters most is that serious work is done within those sessions. No slacking.

And what do we mean by muscle group, anyway? We mean a group of muscles situated close together that perform similar movements, like the chest muscles, for instance.

2: Load

Six to 30 reps per set, ending the sets at least one to four reps in reserve (RIR).

If your goal is to be as strong as possible, lift heavy weights and ‘fail’ somewhere in the six to nine rep range. I use the term ‘fail’ loosely, because you could complete the set with one or two RIRs.

If you want to get bigger, stick to higher reps. This can potentially save time, be less fatiguing, and reduce the risk of injury.

3: Routine

Four sets of five exercises per session (per muscle group).

Focus on compound exercises; the multi-joint exercises. And engage in at least one leg-pressing exercise, one upper body pulling exercise, and one upper body pushing exercise every session. If you are doing full body sessions, at least.

Don’t know what compound exercises are? Here’s a list of the upper body ones:

  1. The bench press

  2. The overhead press

  3. The bent-over row

  4. Pull-ups

And the lower body ones:

  1. Squats

  2. Deadlifts

  3. Leg Press

  4. Toes-to-bar

And full-body exercises:

  1. Clean and press

  2. Snatch

  3. Thrusters

“The bench press, squat, deadlift and standing overhead press are the staples of any strong person’s repertoire. Those who ignore these lifts generally suck at them. If you get good at those, you’ll get good at other stuff, as they have a huge carryover.”Jim Wendler.

4: Progressive Overload

Increase reps, weight, or sets with every session.

Volume is the main driver of muscle growth. As long as the volume is equated, it doesn’t matter how many reps or sets are performed.

Try to get a ‘pump’ (a swollen feeling) with each workout. And track your workouts! That’s how you’ll know that you are improving your numbers!

I’ve actually tackled ‘progressive overload’ in a previous article. You can check it out by clicking here.

5: Recovery

De-load every 4 – 8 weeks; reduce your training time, load, and/or repetitions.

Doing so will keep you safe from overtraining.

A de-load is an excellent way to facilitate recovery. All it really is is a dramatic reduction of training volume for one week, shifting the focus to full recovery options, allowing a greater emphasis on rest, sleep, and nutrition.

6: Sleep

Eight hours of sleep, or more, per day.

Persons who slept eight hours were found to lose more fat and preserve more muscle.

Also, the more sleep you get, the more likely you are to retain muscle.


1: Patience

Don’t rush the process.

We’ve all been there, tempted to try some magic workout or fancy potion hoping the gains will come swiftly. But they won’t.

There are methods backed by research and others which simply aren’t. Come to terms with the fact that the process will be difficult, and that there will be many setbacks along the way.

Set personal goals for strength and body composition and make no compromises to achieve those goals.

2: Attitude

Awaken the beast within.

The body you want and the body you are willing to work for are two very different things.

Making them one in the same means you will have effort and consistency – particularly on days where a workout is the last thing you’d want to do. But doing it anyway is what will give you that mental and physical edge.

3: Discomfort

Training is not meant to look or feel fun.

To build muscle, the body needs to undergo stress. The effort it takes to build muscle is no joke. Especially when you get older. But the return on your investment will be worth it. So be prepared to subject your body to some pain.

Embrace the suck.

4: Consistency

Write down your goals and check them off when you nail them.

Putting pen to paper on your workout goals is the equivalent of having a contract.

Normally, these goals target strength or body composition, but they can also include other things; like having actually trained on a really busy day.

Challenge yourself to smash a set of realistic goals and repeat the process when you’re done.

5: Balance

Training is important, but recovery is crucial.

I’ve spent an entire time here harping on about how important it is for you to test your limits. But where testing ends, rest comes into play.

Excessive training does not equate to excessive gains.

Rather, it is through recovery (particularly – sleep) where the muscle re-builds and develops.

6: Assistance

Seek advice from the accredited pros.

Mounds of studies have shown that professional guidance will help reinforce all of the previous points, potentially providing you with the additional push you may need to break through barriers otherwise left unbroken.


Gianluca is a certified and registered specialist in exercise and nutrition science. He is also a journalist and avid researcher on a mission to find the healthiest lifestyle, even while living on the fattest island in Europe.


#5: Walking Is Your Greatest Weight Loss Tool


#3: Get Bigger By Overloading Your Muscles